Backend Config


This page list all backends. backend_list


backend_add_1 Name : Backend Name Balance Mode : Define the load balancing algorithm to be used in a backend. "roundrobin" : Each server is used in turns, according to their weights. "leastconn" : The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection. "source" : The source IP address is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running servers to designate which server will receive the request. Mode : Set the running mode or protocol of the instance. Add X-Forward-For : Enable insertion of the X-Forwarded-For header to requests sent to servers. X-Forwarded-For Expect : An optional argument used to disable this option for sources matching . X-Forwarded-For Header : Used to supply a different header name to replace the default "X-Forwarded-For".


backend_add_2 Cookie : Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend. "rewrite" : This keyword indicates that the cookie will be provided by the server and that haproxy will have to modify its value to set the server's identifier in it. "insert" : This keyword indicates that the persistence cookie will have to be inserted by haproxy in server responses if the client did not already have a cookie that would have permitted it to access this server. "prefix" : This keyword indicates that instead of relying on a dedicated cookie for the persistence, an existing one will be completed. Cookie Name : Cookie name. Cookie Domain : This option allows to specify the domain at which a cookie is inserted. Cookie Option Indirect : When this option is specified, no cookie will be emitted to a client which already has a valid one for the server which has processed the request. Cookie Option Nocache : This option is recommended in conjunction with the insert mode when there is a cache between the client and HAProxy, as it ensures that a cacheable response will be tagged non-cacheable if a cookie needs to be inserted. Cookie Option Postonly : This option ensures that cookie insertion will only be performed on responses to POST requests.


backend_add_3 Https SSL Hello Check : Use SSLv3 client hello health checks for server testing. Http Check : Enable HTTP protocol to check on the servers health. Http Method : HTTP method used with the requests. Http Url : URI referenced in the HTTP requests. Http Check Except : Make HTTP health checks consider response contents or specific status codes. "status " : test the exact string match for the HTTP status code. "rstatus " : test a regular expression for the HTTP status code. "string " : test the exact string match in the HTTP response body. "rstring " : test a regular expression on the HTTP response body. Disable on 404 : Enable a maintenance mode upon HTTP/404 response to health-checks. * Check Timeout : Set additional check timeout, but only after a connection has been already established.